My Goals for 2021


I might be posting this late but there’s no time like the present.

I decided a long time ago that instead of doing New Years resolutions, I would instead do goals.

A lot of the goals I would usually focus on are not exactly doable in the year 2021, Year 2 of the Pandemic. If it was any other year I would be really excited to go to events or go back to kendo classes or badminton sessions. Another year I might consider picking up violin lessons again or traveling to New York City.

But alas, that is not the year we live in.

I don’t think goals are as binding as resolutions and I don’t want to make these too stressful. So usually these are a mix of long term and short term goals that I can work towards.

In no particular order my goals for 2021 are as follows:

  • Finish some courses I bought on Udemy

  • Finish new case studies for my portfolio

  • Be better about responding to messages this year

  • Finish moving blogposts to my other blog

  • Write blogposts for this blog more ahead of time and create a schedule

  • Eat healthier

  • Gain 2-5 more pounds

  • Do yoga every night and exercise more often

  • Think about cross posting to several other blogging platforms

  • Think about starting a lifestyle blog

  • Finish the first draft of a science fiction space opera I’ve been working on

  • Finish the second draft of another fantasy novel

  • Scan all my paper documents and declutter my Dropbox and Evernote

  • Plan for an eventual trip back to Japan post Covid

  • Finish decluttering my apartment

  • Look for new volunteer opportunities

  • Create a budget for 2021

  • Continue to become more confident in my programming skills

  • Master Minecraft

  • Read at least 25 books or more

  • Journal at least every other night

  • Learn new cooking recipes

  • Look for a new car

  • Learn how to make a winged cateye with eyeliner

  • Improve video editing skills

  • Improve audio editing and podcasting skills

  • Continue to improve design skills

  • Continue to improve bookbinding skills

  • Participate in more activism to help my community

  • Participate more in clubs and organizations

  • Look into adopting a pet

  • Look into pet training or behavioral courses

  • Look into starting an online shop

  • Be more consistent on Instagram

  • Look into making pre-made book covers

These might seem like a lot of goals but most of them are long term goals. Some of them will be easier to complete than others.

I think it’s important to use this time as a time for reflection and think about how we want our year to go. 2021 I think will continue to look a lot like 2020 did.

I don’t think we will look anything like “normal” until 2022. So I think this will continue to be a great year to work on self care and self improvement.

What are your goals for 2021 and do you have a mix of short and long term goals as well?