Glassware Broadside and Website

Type: Broadside, branding, and website
Role: Student project, sole designer
In college, we were given a random word to design a broadside and complementary branding off of. My word was glassware which I was actually pretty excited about. My dad has always collected glassware so it was a fun project I could reach out to him about.
As part of my research into this, I looked up different kinds of glassware and watched videos on how they were made.
I also went out to antique shops to find unique pieces of glass that would serve as my centerpieces for my project.
The Design Ideas
The printed broad side folds up so that the round glassbowl served as an envelope flap for it to be handed out or mailed. It also makes a nice border for the piece. It is printed on 11x17 newsprint.
The business cards were a lot of fun because I made them out of see through vellum that I printed the logo and contact info on. I thought this would be a good way to pay homage to glass while maintaining a unique look.
The logo is a G sitting inside a bowl that the W forms with the name, “Glassware” underneath.
The website I explored having a primary and secondary navigation to display all the different categories and aspects of glassware.

![Vector MacBook Gold [Converted].png](